get in touch!


reclaimed tile

Have a question or comment? Want to know more about our work? Have a cool story about one of the blocks we’re working on? Interested in buying 1,000,000 bricks!? We want to hear from you! Drop me a note at or call Max at 443-840-0444.

You can also check out our Facebook page, too.

Oh yeah, and our Instagram.

7 thoughts on “get in touch!

  1. I am a Los Angeles, California based real estate property developer, I currently own ten row homes in Baltimore, Maryland. I am interested in purchasing supplies etc from your organization.

    Ryan John Kennedy
    (626) 644-7232 – Direct


  2. I wanted to find out how to purchase your reclaimed bricks. We have a project in Annapolis and would love to incorporate them. Thanks!

    Danny Samson


  3. Looking for brick for reclaiming the first slave college in America . Built right after the civil war to teach the slaves how to read and write and a trade . I have about a million and a half but I need about another half million . There 3×41/4×81/2 and light brown .Do you have any 1800 handmade brick of this size and color .


  4. Hello!
    I am a rehabber with a mid-century split-level property in Baltimore County which does not need to be fully deconstructed (only to the point that a typical rehab demolition would take it), but I would like to feel good about where the usable materials go, rather than simply doing a demo and sending stuff to the landfill. We should be starting the project in the next several weeks. What does Details charge for deconstruction? Is it cost-comparable to demolition? Where do you bring the items for resale? How are the materials valued for tax purposes? I very much look forward to hearing from you!


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